Find Greener Paper with the Ecopaper Database
We've discussed establishing paperless workplaces a lot in the past, and as we've pointed out, it can be difficult to eliminate paper completely in some industries. If your business can't completely phase out paper, you can still keep your eco footprint small by using the greenest papers available.
But how do you find the perfect green paper? The Ecopaper Database is the solution.
The Ecopaper Database from Canopy is a listing of the most eco-friendly papers that are currently available. When selecting papers to include in the list, Canopy uses the Paper Steps that we discussed in our last blog post. Only those that pass the test and that are produced by mills with reputations for making strides for sustainability make the cut and end up in the database.
Not just for copy paper, the database provides listings for book, magazine and newspaper publishers' paper needs, packaging supplies, stationery, office supplies, board paper and molded fiber products, which are items like our green disposables.
The Ecopaper Database is free to use for consumers and for businesses. You can access it right here: