Palm Oil Waste New Raw Material for Paper


Recently, the Malaysian company Palm Republik announced the development of a new tree-free paper made from waste leftover from the manufacturing of palm oil.


Used for cooking throughout many parts of the world, palm oil is a staple of many cuisines. The palm oil industry produces up to 200 million tons of waste per year, mostly in the form of the leftover husks that remain once the oil is extracted.


Palm Republik has developed a new method of transforming these husks into paper. The fibers found in the husks are very similar to those of timber. To produce the palm paper, the husks are shredded and then mixed with post-consumer recycled paper pulp. Then, it is compressed and dried. The resulting product is 100 percent biodegradable and compostable. Unbleached, the palm paper is now being used to produce boxes and heavyweight stationery like note cards.


At this time, Palm Republik is only selling its paper to industrial customers but has hopes of making their products available to consumers in the near future.

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