Paperless Kitchen Gets Some Press!


We have some exciting news! Just last week, we were featured on the CBS website! A link to our store was published on a page related to a segment that aired on The Talk, in which actress Sara Gilbert gave a variety of green tips to help viewers decrease the size of their eco-footprints.


Among the tips that Sara reviewed was to choose more sustainable utensils for cooking. She explained that wood, glass or bamboo tools and dinnerware was better for the body and the planet than plastic. On the website recap, a link to Paperless Kitchen was provided as the place to shop.


We're very proud to have been selected for inclusion on the buying guide for Sara's piece. We do have a large number of sustainable kitchen utensils and dinnerware available on our site and are glad to have the opportunity to introduce our products to the viewers of The Talk. You can catch the show daily at 2:00PM EST on CBS.

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