Collection: Cloths

Establishing a paperless kitchen is an easy, yet excellent way to incorporate greener living into your home. Reducing the amount of paper towel and napkin waste that your family produces protects forests and cuts down on the waste that winds up in landfills each year.

Our paper towel alternatives are made of earth-friendly materials, such as 100 percent certified organic cotton, cellulose, loofah and bamboo. As paper towel replacements, these items were not created at the expense of trees that take decades to regrow. The products we feature can either be reused again and again or are biodegradable to not take up space in landfills.

If you're looking for paper towel alternatives, the last thing you want is to make washing your dishes, wiping down your counters and handling all the other cleaning needs in your kitchen more difficult. Our dishcloths and towels are strong enough to tackle even big messes and are often more efficient for cleaning than paper towels. This makes them true paper towel replacements, products that you'll be happy to use again and again.

Get started on your way to a truly paperless kitchen by exploring the options in this range of paper towel alternatives today!

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