New Stats Show Europe Is Making Progress on Paper Waste

In the past, we've covered the massive problem of plastic waste in the European Union, and while Europe is still trying to sort out the best ways to reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills, a new report shows that the EU has managed to reduce paper use and disposal rates.


Some of the key findings of the report include:


- In 1992, only 41 percent of all paper was recycled in the countries that now make up the European Union.


- As of 2012, roughly 71 percent of all paper was recycled.


- Paper use was reduced by 13 percent and is now at the lowest levels it has been since 1998


- Rates for paper recycling are lowest in Central Europe


Clearly, Europe is headed in the right direction in terms of paper waste recycling; however, only 40 percent of the total of all waste produced throughout the EU is recycled, indicating there is still a lot of work to be done to make Europe green.

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