Paperless Kitchen Tested: Bambooee Sweeps Review
Here at Paperless Kitchen, we've carried Bambooee paper towels since we opened our store, and they've always been one of our best selling products. Now, Bambooee has released something brand new--Bambooee Sweeps. I got my hands on a roll and decided to take them for a test drive. Here's what happened:
The Basics:
Bambooee Sweeps are alternatives to disposable cleaning cloths used on dry sweepers like the Swiffer. Each sheet can supposedly take the place of 100 of the disposable sheets, and they can be laundered in the washing machine between uses. The sheets come in a roll of 15, and they are made from organic bamboo.
The Inspection:
To test out the Bambooee Sweeps, I put one on my Swiffer and got ready to clean the kitchen floor. I was impressed by the feel of the pads. Swiffer pads feel like dryer sheets. They're flimsy, and I've had them tear before I even put one on the head of the sweeper. The Bambooee Sweeps are much thicker. I even tried to tear one, and I couldn't get the rip started. I was also struck by the scrubbing dots on the pads, which really gave the Sweeps a unique texture.
The Cleaning:
It was pretty easy to get the pad onto my Swiffer. I generally think they're a pain to get set up, and the Bambooee pads weren't any harder to put on. In fact, because they are thicker, it seemed to be slightly easier. I was really impressed with how the pad worked. I could feel it creating friction on my hardwood floors, and the pad had way more dirt on it than I expected.
The Wash:
After cleaning, I went ahead and laundered by Bambooee Sweeps pad, following the instructions, which say not to use fabric softener. The pad came out wrinkled but still in great condition, and it went right back onto the Swiffer with ease.
The Takeaway:
I don't clean with my Swiffer often because I don't like the idea of using the disposable sheets, but the Bambooee Sweeps may change that. They definitely work well and are probably the next best thing to a full mop down. The pads can be used wet as well and can clean up spills because they're absorbent like a paper towel.
1 comment
I’ve never tried these before, but they look amazing! Entering the giveaway to try and win some, too.