The Perfect Eco-Friendly Bridal Shower Gift for Any Budget
With summer comes barbecues, swimming, longer days and, of course, weddings. If you're invited to a bridal shower in the next few weeks, you can put together a great gift that is completely eco-friendly with these gift ideas:
- For a shower gift that is under $25, pick up the Bambu Bamboo Kitchen Basics Set, a three-piece set with a paddle spatula and two bamboo wooden spoons. Wrap them up in a Full Circle In the Buff Dish Towel and tie with a bow.
- For a shower gift that is under $50, add a Bambu Bamboo Curvy Server and a Bambu Bamboo Slotted Spoon Two-Pack to the $25 package.
- For a shower gift that is under $75, place everything in the $50 gift on top of the Bambu Medium Undercut Cutting Board and tie with a larger, thicker ribbon both horizontally and vertically.
- For a shower gift that is under $100, upcycle an old basket in your home by spray-painting it a beautiful color. Then, arrange the above items neatly inside along with a package of Toockies Loving Heart Pot Holders and an e-Cloth Washing Up Pad.
Do you have ideas for how to finish off the $100 green basket for the bridal shower? Give us your best decorating tips in the "Comments" section.
Hi Lindsay,
Thanks for your comment. We appreciate your feedback and wanted to take a moment to respond to you. It’s clear you’re passionate about the planet.
You are correct that bamboo can be grown in a way that’s harmful for the environment, but that is not the case with the materials used in Bambu brand products. Only certified organic bamboo is selected by the company. The products are all certified as organic by the USDA, and they are manufactured through fair trade practices in China. Bambu helps Chinese men and women earn fair wages to help support their families, and the company is a Green America certified business. Bambu is definitely part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Your comment does raise a good point—that it’s important to fully investigate the raw materials that go into making products that are sold as “green.” There are a lot of unscrupulous companies out there trying to profit off of growing eco-consciousness, but Bambu is not among them.
I got news for you. Bamboo isn’t ‘green’ in any way! 90% of our bamboo comes from China and the farmers are clear cutting their land for this desirable ‘cash crop’. Yes, it grows back so you don’t have to replant – that really only helps the farmers. The chemicals they use to produce bamboo fibres are toxic and result in high cancer rates in these areas of China. And the carbon footprint for shipping this all the way to North American? Not ‘green’ in my books.